Replace Lost or Damaged Locking Wheel Nut Removal Device with Belmont Tyres
If you've lost or damaged the locking wheel nut removal device for your vehicle, worry not! Belmont Tyres has you covered. Our Head Office is equipped with specialised tooling to safely remove security devices when the original removal device is no longer available or has been misplaced.
Locking Wheel Nut Removal Procedure
When the nut or bolt hasn't been excessively tightened during installation, our skilled technicians employ two different removal methods.
Invasive Method:
Using a tool specifically designed to break into the head of the locking device, we apply torque to force it off. It's important to note that this method may cause permanent damage to the locking wheel nuts or bolts, potentially requiring replacements.

Non-Invasive Method:
Through the use of a unique tool, we mould it to match the shape of the installed locking device, effectively replicating the missing or damaged item. This method typically avoids any damage to the locking device.
While we strive for successful removal in both cases, we cannot guarantee a 100% success rate. Therefore, before we attempt removal, you will be asked to complete a disclaimer form.
Please note: Belmont Tyres Mobile Tyre Service Vehicles do not carry replacement locking wheel nut devices or spare wheel nuts/bolts for every vehicle. However, upon request, we can assist in sourcing these items. We highly recommend using original equipment locking wheel nut systems for optimum performance and compatibility.
Trust Belmont Tyres for reliable solutions when it comes to lost or damaged locking wheel nut removal devices. Our expertise ensures a smooth process, giving you peace of mind.
Get In Touch: 0151 260 1144